In a Lancewood plantation near Christchurch.


Having fun on the play gym with Helen’s Grand daughter India.

At Riccarton Race course on Japan Day just one year on from the devastating earthquakes and tsunami in Japan.


Driving on to the Inter island Ferry to cross to Wellington on the North island. A fine day and smooth seas.


Now we are at Hell’s Gate in Rotorua. The smell of sulphur is strong at this geothermal area.


Doing a bit of map reading before we hike around Mt. Manganui near Tauranga.

Phillippa and I just kidding around before Helen and I fly back to Adelaide.


We are sad to say goodbye to Phillippa, she has another week to explore the north before she returns to Australia, where she is a Remote Area Nurse in the Northern Territory.


Easter Sunday and we are back in OZ. Helen and I have just been to Church at St Marys Anglican where I met Fr Nick Wallace, a Wiltshire man who has not long come from the Isle of Wight where he worked for 10 years.